belongsTo Last updated: 2023-05-29

To start using one item that is linked to another resource through the custom field in the current Model

Let's give a quick example

belongsTo()->make('Group', 'admingroup',AdminGroups::class)


Label : Group

the relation method is: admingroup

the reference resource is : App\Dash\Resources\AdminGroups

in Index Page

in Show Page

In create and edit page


you can ran other query in the same relation model 

this method works on belongsTo , belongsToMany relationship


belongsTo()->make('Group', 'admingroup',AdminGroups::class)
     ->query(function ($model) {
     // full_power , owner , moderate 
					return $model::whereIn('admin_type', ['owner', 'moderate']);


You Can Make Inline relation button to Create A new record 

just add :- 

belongsTo()->make('Group', 'admingroup',AdminGroups::class)
     ->inlineButton() // parameter bool true or false | default is true
     // to disable inline button set ->inlineButton(false) 








in Started Version 1.0.62 you can provide a new Method viewColumns 

to view custom columns in datatable index and sub resource in show page 

working with belongsTo,hasOne functions  

//->viewColumns(['email','account_type','account_status']) OR 


full  Example 

//->viewColumns(['email','account_type','account_status']) OR 
// you can add a custom label on specific column 
// Example 
->viewColumns(['email'=>'Email Adderss','account_type'=>__('Email Address'),'account_status'])