Resource Last updated: 2023-09-21

Iin this page we will  know more about the resource file  

# Generate a new Resource

# model property

# group property

# displayInMenu property

# icon property

# title property

# search property

# searchWithRelation property

# customName method to set the resource label to your customized language

# vertex method to add statistics or custom html in the heading page

# fields method to add and customize your inputs

# actions method to moderate or manage your data

# filters method to filter your data 


# Generate new Resource

how can we make a new resource to use in our dash project 

if you ran this command 

php artisan dash:make-resource Articles
or you can add flag module to create on your Modules folder directly  --module=Articles 

First you will recieve an “Articles Resource generated” message .

This resource is generated in the default path App\Dash\Resources\Articles 

namespace App\Dash\Resources;
use Dash\Resource;

class Articles extends Resource {
	public static $model = \App\Models\Article::class ;
	//public static $policy = \App\Policies\UserPolicy::class ;
	public static $group = 'Articles'; 
	public static $displayInMenu = true;
	public static $icon = 'group'; // put <i> tag or icon name
	public static $title = 'name';

	public static $search = [
	public static $searchWithRelation = [];
	public static function customName() {
		return 'Articles';
	public static function vertex() {
		return [];
	public function fields() {
		return [
			id()->make('ID', 'id'),

	public function actions() {
		return [];
	public function filters() {
		return [];


Now you will have to  append this Resource In App\Providers\DashServiceProvider 

in the Dash/DashResources.php are running in resources method 

namespace App\Providers;

use App\Dash\Dashboard\Help;
use Dash\DashServiceProviderInit;

class DashServiceProvider extends DashServiceProviderInit {

	 * put your dashboard to rendering in home page
	 * @return array
	public static function dashboards() {
		return [

	 * Put Your Resources Here to register in Dashboard
	 * @return array
	public function resources() {
		return include_once(app_path('Dash/DashResources.php'));

	 * put notification class
	 * @return array
	public static function notifications() {
		return [

	 * Custom Blank Pages
	 * @return array
	public static function blankPages() {
		return [

	 * boot method
	 * please dont make any change here
	public function boot() {
return [
    // Users Start //
    // Users End//

# Append Model In Your resource 

Add your model path here so you can use it with your fields 

public static $model = \App\Models\User::class;


you can group your resources by naming the  group  

public static $group = 'Users';



To hide or show your new  resource in the main menu 

public static $displayInMenu = true; // true => show , false => hide


You can set an icon to appear in the main menu by font-awesome  6.2

public static $icon = '<i class="fa fa-users"></i>';


This is responsible for setting the display of the resource master data from the same table and is used formally in relationships and any operations that are associated with the resource internally or externally and also with the resource master table

public static $title = 'name';


You can allow searching by fields only in the table without relationships

For example , the followig user ID , name , and email and more can be added according to your needs

public static $search = [



If there is a relationship with other tables, you can allow adding the method with allocating fields and this is an example

With the possibility of adding more than one relationship to allow the search 

public static $searchWithRelation = [



You can customize a name dynamically and interactively according to the language you want whether it is Arabic or English or any other language that you want to show in the main menu of the dashboard

public static function customName() {
 return __('dash.users');


This method is used to customize a forced and static query process according to your need and you can dispense with it if you want to prepare all the data

public function query($model) {
 return $model->where('account_type', 'user');



This method is used to add statistics or any customization to display any data above the main table of the resource itself

 public static function vertex() {
	return [
		->title('All Users')
		->icon('<i class="fa fa-users"></i>')
		->content(function () {
			return User::where('account_type', 'user')->count();
		->color('success') // primary,success,dark,info,



This is the method responsible for adding all the items to the your resource file 

and you will find that the ID is automatically added in it and then you can add the rest of your elements as you want

public function fields() {
 return [
   id()->make('ID', 'id'),

You will find everything you need to know about our magical fields and how to use it in the Elements section of our Documents




Through this method, you can add all the objects responsible for the actions of the resource

public function actions() {
		return [




Through this method, you can add all the objects responsible for classifying and purifying the data according to the situation (Filters)

public function filters() {
		return [




Additional methods and properties  to control the Datatable 

// datatable
	public static $multiSelectRecord = true;
	public static $searching         = true;
	public static $lengthChange      = true;
	public static $ordering          = true;
	public static $processing        = true;
	public static $serverSide        = true;
	public static $scrollCollapse    = true;
	public static $scrollY           = false;
	public static $scrollX           = true;
	public static $paging            = true;
	public static $lengthMenu        = [10, 20, 25, 50, 100];
	public static $pagingType = 'full_numbers';

	public static function dtButtons() {
		return [

We're done with with this part. Let's find out something new :)