Action Last updated: 2024-12-28
Sometimes, in some cases, we need to take an action
Then you will be confused how to do this, but be aware that it is a wonderful thing that we will be exposed to
Let me give you an example of the status of members
To activate and deactivate one or more members
First we need to create a new Action object
php artisan dash:make-action UserStatus
UserStatus Action generated
this is object created in app\Dash\Actions
namespace App\Dash\Actions;
use Dash\Extras\Inspector\Action;
class UserStatus extends Action {
* options to do some action with type message
* like danger,info,warning,success
* @return array
public static function options() {
return [
'account_status' => [
'active' => [
'success' => 'user is activeated successfully',
'deactivate' => [
'danger' => 'deactivate successfully',
// or you can add custom label on your options
'custom_option' => [
'label'=>'Your Custom label' // or you can use trans __('yourfile.key') || trans('yourfile.key') function to get custom locale dynamically
'danger' => 'deactivate successfully',
// you can use this custom_option in your model observe to do something or changes
class YourModel extends Model
protected static function boot()
static::saving(function ($model) {
$ids = request('ids'); // this is selected and merged as array
$action = json_decode(request('action')); // convert action json to array to get column and selected an custom_option value
if (!empty($action->column) && !empty($action->value) && $action->column == 'account_status' && $action->value == 'custom_option' && !empty($ids) && count($ids) > 1) {
// do someting here
$model->your_custom_column = "your updated value";
columns => account_status
value (active , deactivate)
message style you can use danger,info,warning,success
to show success message
to show warning message
to show info message
to show danger message
After the object is finished you can add it inside your resource in the actions method
public function actions() {
return [