Filter Last updated: 2022-10-04

There is no doubt that sometimes you will need to filter the  results presented in the datatable

So we have prepared this for you in a couble of  steps that will not consume much of your time

Suppose you want to filter some data according to the state of the data, whether it is activated or not

We will create a new object from the properties Sort or Filtering data by state

php artisan dash:make-filter ArticleStatus
ArticleStatus Filter generated

The object will look like this:


namespace App\Dash\Filters;

use Dash\Extras\Inspector\Filter;

class ArticleStatus extends Filter {

	 * use this optional label to set custom name or can remove 
	 * it to automatic using label from resource
	 * @return string
	public static function label() {
		return 'status'; // you can use trans

	 * options method to set a options 
	 * for filtration data in index page in resource 
	 * you can use Model with Pluck Example: User::pluck('name','id')
	 * @return array
	public static function options() {
		return [
			'status'   => [
				'show'    => 'Show', // you can use trans
				'hide'    => 'Hide',
				'pending' => 'Pending',



We will then start adding it inside a filter method in your Articles resource 


	 * define the filters To Using in Resource (index)
	 * php artisan dash:make-filter FilterName
	 * @return array
	public function filters() {
		return [


Dynamic data can also be used through a model
 Example of filtering by user

	 * options method to set a options 
	 * for filtration data in index page in resource 
	 * you can use Model with Pluck Example: User::pluck('name','id')
	 * @return array
	public static function options() {
		return [
			'user_id'=>User::pluck('name','id'), // first Column


And here we are, learning something new